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1. Why to know ship Handling

How prepared are you for your pilotage passage…………………?

Are you in situation to appreciate what to expect during pilotage passage, what all resources will be used, what weather to expect, when can I abort

                                       AND  LAST

When should I take over from Pilot, Am I Prepared for that….? Can I control situation better than Pilot.


Answer below series of questions to check your preparedness and understanding:-

  1. I am aware of HW and LW times and aware of UKC to expect including minimum depths during transit.

  2. I am aware about max and min speeds at each passage/critical point including athwart ship approach speed onto the jetty.

  3. I am aware of my ships handling characteristics, engine power and response(IC engine, Steam turbine, Diesel Electric etc), astern power, speed limitation for astern kick, type of propeller(fixed, CPP, Azimuth), type of thruster.

  4. I am aware of strength and direction of current/tidal stream during each stage of passage including turning basin and berth.

  5. I am aware of wind force and how it will affect passage and approach to berth.(Cause of numerous berthing accidents)

  6. I am aware of my tugs requirement wrt number, power, positioning taking into account wind, weather, current etc.

  7. I am aware of types of tugs, their working methods, limitations etc and how it affects my passage.

  8. I am aware about effectiveness of my Bow thruster in present condition.(draft and current strength)

  9. I have studied the passage wrt abort point, approach to pilot station, making lee, Channel width, passing traffice, emergency anchorage, underwater obstructions and hazards etc.

  10. I have marked my visual references, transit marks, leading lights etc which can be used to monitor passage progress independent of electronic navigation aids.

  11. If my pilot is delayed where can I wait for short duration wrt current/wind?

  12. I am aware of emergency maneuver, effective use of anchors, tugs in case of emergency.

  13. Is my thought process matching with pilots plan for maneuver

  14. Has there been a essential exchange of information between pilot and Master. Has duty officer been briefd also for the pilotage passage.

  15. When should I take over from Pilot, Am I Prepared for that….?



If you feel you need to enhance your practical understanding wrt any topics, please feel free to check our website and various modules within where each and every aspect of shiphandling is explained in very practical and easy to understand method.


We have also included some generic passage and approach guidance prepared by pilots for their respective ports so that If you are calling these ports , you can be well prepared.

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